My Sims Fanon
Greg Gory
Greg Gory

Character Info

Name Greg Gory
Role Police Officer
Location Police Station, Sims Island
Affiliation Sims Island Resident
Interests Studious, Tasty
Tasks? Police Station - Restoration
Up, Up and Away

Greg Gory appears in the Wii version of MySims Islanders 2, where he is a police officer on Sims Island. He plays a significant role during Part 3, where the player is trying to unlock Studio Island which is accessed via the Police Helicopter.


Studious Tasty


Greg is the local policeman and takes his job quite seriously and will enforce the law to the required measurements, especially since Commander MorcuBot is in his and Liberty's jail. He's a nice guy but if you commit a crime, he'll be your worst enemy. He is very close friends with Liberty, who also works at the Police Station and also Patrick Rhino, a resident of Sims Island. When off-duty, he's usually in his room, or out at a friends.


Restoration – Police Station [in Part 3]

Activation: Collect Page 7 (found on Sims Island)

Requirements: Metal Detector with 2 Moai, 2 Cherry and 14 Textbook & Camera with 15 Metal, 5 Spring, 5 Gear & 1 Microscope

Introduction: [player name]! The last thing we need right now is MorcuBots invading the Station. That’ll show everyone that we’ve seriously lost control! So could you help build us a new state-of-the-art security system please? We’d be forever in your debt!

Hint: You’ll have to do a lot of prospecting round town for this one!

Completion: Great work – the new security system is a-go!

Reward: Metal Detector Blueprint & Security Camera Blueprint unlocked

Up, Up and Away [in Part 3]

Activation: Complete Liberty’s “Ramped Up Radios” task.

Requirements: Play and succeed at the Up, Up and Away minigame.

Introduction: So you managed to boost the radios then? Great – let’s get flying! // Where do you think you’re going [player name]? No offense but you ain’t getting in our helicopter just yet! We’re gonna do some SIM training first, follow me...

Hint: N/A

Completion: Not too shabby – you learnt quickly! I guess it’s time to give you the keys! [cutscene begins, leading to Studio Island]

Reward: Use of the Helicopter, Part 4 of the game unlocked – see Studio Island.


Part 1: Sims Island

Whilst deactivating the MorcuBots

  • [player name]! What do we do? These monsters are causing crimes and I have no station to do anything from!
  • Welp! What will become of this place?
  • I can’t believe what has happened here ... all in my jail!

When heading to the Res-Q Centre

  • Finally some good news for us here, hurry [player name]!

Part 3: Sims Island

Prior to the Police Station’s Restoration

  • Those robots are back and there’s literally nothing we can do we them – even if we had the Jail still the door’s busted!
  • These MorcuBots look different, they’ve got some sort of weird aura?
  • So many keep asking me questions about things – I just don’t know what to say to them!

After the Police Station’s Restoration

  • This place is so 21st Century now!
  • I tried to sneak in last night to have some of my Sour Plumbobs when I got hungry last night... guess who got caught in the act!

Whilst deactivating the MorcuBots

  • That Alexa chick is so smart!
  • Go get them [player name], maybe once the worst of this is over you could like, show me how to use that?
  • Recent events really are one way to provide Liberty with her training aha!

Before boosting the Radio Towers

  • We’ve only ever had to fly around the island before, so I guess we just never had to communicate long distance from the station?
  • Sounds like Liberty knows exactly what to do with this thing, just listen to what she says needs doing.