My Sims Fanon

Yvette is a potential resident that will come to the town hotel after your town has reached a very high population. She is a mime so she acts her feelings or emotions out rather than talking. She is the only Sim that isn't given a voice, therefore, when spoken to, she replies by miming and with "...!" and also "...". Becoming best friends with her, she'll reward you with a karaoke blueprint. Her house is decorated with black and white objects and she also has a karaoke machine although it is unknown why she would have use for it since she won't speak...Yvette has green hair in two braids, topped by a black hat with spikes resembling cat ears. She wears a black shirt and baggy white pants.

Roles in Games[]


  • In MySims Invasion, Linda says that the reason Yvette is a mime is because of the fact that Yvette was fighting Morcubus, so Morcubus went back in time and somehow made Yvette lose her voice box.